• Již nejsou povinné COVID certifikáty při vstupu do Chorvatské republiky pro osoby přijíždějící ze zemí EU (povinnost předložit COVID certifikát nadále platí pro cestující vstupující do Chorvatské republiky ze třetích zemí, včetně občanů EU vstupujících do Chorvatské republiky ze třetích zemí).
  • Pro cestující ze zemí EU již nebude nutné vyplňovat formulář Enter Croatia.
Cesta zpět do ČR
  • Návrat z Chorvatska je od 18.3.2022 možný bez jakýchkoliv opatření

Aktuální vstupní podmínky a podmínky pro návrat najdete na webu Ministerstva zahraničních věcí: https://www.mzv.cz/jnp/cz/encyklopedie_statu/evropa/chorvatsko/cestovani/covid_19.html

Hotel Villa Vista

Hodnocení: 5/5

Chorvatsko, Istrie

Více o ubytování

od 10 340 za os.

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Neoficiální popis ubytování

Popis objektu

If you want a dream vacation, Villa Vista is the perfect choice for you. It’s situated in a small, pittoresque village called Zamask. On the first floor (size over 120 m2) there is a large living room, a dining room with a modern kitchen for all of the chefs and a blibliotheque, a private corner of absolute silence. The kitchen, spacious and fully furnished, turns the newest desing into something extremely functional. Try some istrian food and let yourself fall in love with it. he central part of the first floor is the dining room itself. The perfect place to gather the whole family around the table. On the second floor there is a bathroom for each of three bedrooms which give you a view on the breathtaking yard. There are three large bedrooms in the house and each one of them has a bathroom. It is a private space that will make you feel extremely free and relaxed. Since all of the bedrooms have the same, breathtaking view on the nature, they will make you feel as if you were still dreaming.. The terrace is the place reserved only for relaxation- anyway, you absolutely diserve it, it is your vacation! It is fully furnished to the smallest detail, the terrace of our villa is so comfortable that it will lure you into eating your breakfasts there instead of in the dining room. Bring your fresh breakfast with you on the terrace and enjoy a good book and an even better view on the Infinity pool. NOTE: For stay under 7 days there's a cleaning fee of 200,00 €. The guests have a cleaning service available 4 hours a day, and can also attend a truffle hunt with a guide and his dogs.

Pro děti

  • dětská postýlka
  • dětské židličky


45.326508, 13.878723

Typy pokojů

4-pokojový willa 7 osoby
If you want a dream vacation, Villa Vista is the perfect choice for you. It’s situated in a small, pittoresque village called Zamask. On the first floor (size over 120 m2) there is a large living room, a dining room with a modern kitchen for all of the chefs and a blibliotheque, a private corner of absolute silence. The kitchen, spacious and fully furnished, turns the newest desing into something extremely functional. Try some istrian food and let yourself fall in love with it. he central part of the first floor is the dining room itself. The perfect place to gather the whole family around the table. On the second floor there is a bathroom for each of three bedrooms which give you a view on the breathtaking yard. There are three large bedrooms in the house and each one of them has a bathroom. It is a private space that will make you feel extremely free and relaxed. Since all of the bedrooms have the same, breathtaking view on the nature, they will make you feel as if you were still dreaming.. The terrace is the place reserved only for relaxation- anyway, you absolutely diserve it, it is your vacation! It is fully furnished to the smallest detail, the terrace of our villa is so comfortable that it will lure you into eating your breakfasts there instead of in the dining room. Bring your fresh breakfast with you on the terrace and enjoy a good book and an even better view on the Infinity pool. NOTE: For stay under 7 days there's a cleaning fee of 200,00 €. The guests have a cleaning service available 4 hours a day, and can also attend a truffle hunt with a guide and his dogs.

  • obývací prostor
  • klimatizace
  • jacuzzi
  • WC
  • oddělená kuchyně
  • terasa
  • Wi-Fi
  • počet koupelen: 3
  • počet ložnic: 3
  • počet lůžek: 7

Neoficiální popis ubytování

Informace o hotelu

Nenašli jste zájezd, který odpovídá všem vašim očekáváním?

Zavolejte nám nebo spusťte live chat a zařídíme vám báječnou dovolenou, na kterou budete vzpomínat dlouhou dobu.

Jsme k zastižení Po-Pá 7:00-22:00; So-Ne 8:00-22:00.

226 000 250


Aktuální počasí

  • Teplota vzduchu 24 °C

  • Teplota vody 23 °C

Měsíce vhodné na dovolenou v této destinaci

  • Nejlepší
  • Dobrý
  • Mimosezóna
  1. Leden: Mimosezóna
  2. Únor: Mimosezóna
  3. Březen: Mimosezóna
  4. Duben: Mimosezóna
  5. Květen: Dobrý
  6. Červen: Nejlepší
  7. Červenec: Nejlepší
  8. Srpen: Nejlepší
  9. Září: Dobrý
  10. Říjen: Dobrý
  11. Listopad: Mimosezóna
  12. Prosinec: Mimosezóna

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