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Aktuální vstupní podmínky a podmínky pro návrat najdete na webu Ministerstva zahraničních věcí: https://www.mzv.cz/jnp/cz/encyklopedie_statu/evropa/chorvatsko/cestovani/covid_19.html

Hotel Villa Lorkia

Hodnocení: 5/5

Chorvatsko, Krk, Baška

od 66 303 za os.

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Graf ukazuje předpokládaný vývoj cen zájezdu v následujících měsících.

Jednotlivé sloupce zobrazují minimální cenu za osobu v daném měsíci. Cena se může lišit v závislosti na délce zájezdu.

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Neoficiální popis ubytování

Popis objektu

Villa LorKia is a luxury facility located on the island of Krk, more precisely in Baška, also known as the cradle of literacy and the site of the first written document in Croatian Glagolitic - Baška tablet. Villa LorKia stands out with its elegance, unique architecture and large glass surfaces that blur the line between interior and exterior space. They create an airy and bright atmosphere at the same time, perfect for taking photos and creating memories! It is decorated in an industrial design, and custom made "floating" stairs that take your breath away stand out. Villa LorKia can comfortably accommodate eight people, for maximum enjoyment of all its charms. Everyone who is a fan of modern buildings will enjoy this villa which is located near (500 meters) one of the most beautiful beaches on the Adriatic. A cocktail at the infinity pool for a completely relaxing day or a swim at the lively Vela beach Baška for a typical summer day - we leave it to you to choose! Also one of the special features is a large heated infinity pool equipped with a countercurrent swimming function. The good climate in the interior of the villa is ensured by the floor cooling and heating system, which is much more comfortable compared to conventional air conditioners and allows individual adjustment of the "feel good" temperature for each room separately. For entertainment, there is also a play area that can be enjoyed by both young and old. There is something for everyone: Playstation 5, billiards or darts, and for those who want to keep fit, there is also a fitness corner. We also thought of hedonists who can relax in the spacious sauna and enjoy the hot tub for four people. Experience Baška at any time of the year in our Villa LorKia.

Pro děti

  • dětská postýlka


44.972748, 14.743164

Typy pokojů

5-pokojový willa 8 osoby
Villa LorKia is a luxury facility located on the island of Krk, more precisely in Baška, also known as the cradle of literacy and the site of the first written document in Croatian Glagolitic - Baška tablet. Villa LorKia stands out with its elegance, unique architecture and large glass surfaces that blur the line between interior and exterior space. They create an airy and bright atmosphere at the same time, perfect for taking photos and creating memories! It is decorated in an industrial design, and custom made "floating" stairs that take your breath away stand out. Villa LorKia can comfortably accommodate eight people, for maximum enjoyment of all its charms. Everyone who is a fan of modern buildings will enjoy this villa which is located near (500 meters) one of the most beautiful beaches on the Adriatic. A cocktail at the infinity pool for a completely relaxing day or a swim at the lively Vela beach Baška for a typical summer day - we leave it to you to choose! Also one of the special features is a large heated infinity pool equipped with a countercurrent swimming function. The good climate in the interior of the villa is ensured by the floor cooling and heating system, which is much more comfortable compared to conventional air conditioners and allows individual adjustment of the "feel good" temperature for each room separately. For entertainment, there is also a play area that can be enjoyed by both young and old. There is something for everyone: Playstation 5, billiards or darts, and for those who want to keep fit, there is also a fitness corner. We also thought of hedonists who can relax in the spacious sauna and enjoy the hot tub for four people. Experience Baška at any time of the year in our Villa LorKia.

  • TV
  • balkón
  • obývací prostor
  • klimatizace
  • jacuzzi
  • WC
  • oddělená kuchyně
  • sauna
  • terasa
  • Wi-Fi
  • počet koupelen: 4
  • počet ložnic: 4
  • počet lůžek: 8

Neoficiální popis ubytování

Informace o hotelu

Nenašli jste zájezd, který odpovídá všem vašim očekáváním?

Zavolejte nám nebo spusťte live chat a zařídíme vám báječnou dovolenou, na kterou budete vzpomínat dlouhou dobu.

Jsme k zastižení Po-Pá 7:00-22:00; So-Ne 8:00-22:00.

226 000 250


Aktuální počasí

  • Teplota 16 °C v noci 13 °C

  • Teplota vzduchu 24 °C

  • Teplota vody 23 °C

Předpověď na další dny

  • Zítra 20 °C v noci 14 °C

  • Čtvrtek 19 °C v noci 14 °C

  • Pátek 23 °C v noci 13 °C

Měsíce vhodné na dovolenou v této destinaci

  • Nejlepší
  • Dobrý
  • Mimosezóna
  1. Leden: Mimosezóna
  2. Únor: Mimosezóna
  3. Březen: Mimosezóna
  4. Duben: Mimosezóna
  5. Květen: Dobrý
  6. Červen: Nejlepší
  7. Červenec: Nejlepší
  8. Srpen: Nejlepší
  9. Září: Dobrý
  10. Říjen: Dobrý
  11. Listopad: Mimosezóna
  12. Prosinec: Mimosezóna

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