• Již nejsou povinné COVID certifikáty při vstupu do Chorvatské republiky pro osoby přijíždějící ze zemí EU (povinnost předložit COVID certifikát nadále platí pro cestující vstupující do Chorvatské republiky ze třetích zemí, včetně občanů EU vstupujících do Chorvatské republiky ze třetích zemí).
  • Pro cestující ze zemí EU již nebude nutné vyplňovat formulář Enter Croatia.
Cesta zpět do ČR
  • Návrat z Chorvatska je od 18.3.2022 možný bez jakýchkoliv opatření

Aktuální vstupní podmínky a podmínky pro návrat najdete na webu Ministerstva zahraničních věcí: https://www.mzv.cz/jnp/cz/encyklopedie_statu/evropa/chorvatsko/cestovani/covid_19.html

Hotel Apartmán Malin

Hodnocení: 5/5

Chorvatsko, Kvarner, Město Krk

od 5 908 za os.

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Graf ukazuje předpokládaný vývoj cen zájezdu v následujících měsících.

Jednotlivé sloupce zobrazují minimální cenu za osobu v daném měsíci. Cena se může lišit v závislosti na délce zájezdu.

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Neoficiální popis ubytování

Popis objektu

Villa Malin is beachfront villa, only a step away from the sea. Surrounded by greenery and stones, nicely landscaped grounds villa is located on a beautiful location right by the sea, in the Rova bay.Apartments Villa Malin provide all the necessary comfort for those who still want more. Apartment Malin is a unit within Villa, property with 6 separate apartments. Villa Malin provides comfort and is in proximity of many content and entertainment for the whole family.This Apartment is equipped with all the technical contents you could need (WiFi, air conditioning, Sat TV) and is located on the ground floor of Villa. It has a total of 1 bedroom with a double bed and one single bed. The apartment is ideal for accommodating 3 people, but it can accommodate up to 5 persons (it is possible to use sofa in the living room and extra bed in the bedroom ). The apartment has a bathroom, fully equipped kitchen with dining room and open-plan living room. The city centre can be reached in a pleasant 10 minute walk or in just 2 minutes by car. Villa's guests may use the service of buffet breakfast and dinner at the Malin Hotel (additinaly fees apply). For those looking both for comfort and beach prixuimity, Villa Malin is a perfect choice. As part of the facility, guests are provided with free parking and free WiFi. The outdoor grounds features terrace with deckchairs and parasols with path leading directly towards beach.The well-being, health and safety of our guests are our priority!The hygiene and cleanliness of our apartment is on the highest standard and the smallest detail is taken into account when cleaning!An additional feeling of security in our apartment is given by the fact that you are staying in a private house where You have no personal contact with other people!

Pro děti

  • dětská postýlka


45.116058, 14.512909

Typy pokojů

3-pokojový byt 4 osoby
Villa Malin is beachfront villa, only a step away from the sea. Surrounded by greenery and stones, nicely landscaped grounds villa is located on a beautiful location right by the sea, in the Rova bay.Apartments Villa Malin provide all the necessary comfort for those who still want more. Apartment Malin is a unit within Villa, property with 6 separate apartments. Villa Malin provides comfort and is in proximity of many content and entertainment for the whole family.This Apartment is equipped with all the technical contents you could need (WiFi, air conditioning, Sat TV) and is located on the ground floor of Villa. It has a total of 1 bedroom with a double bed and one single bed. The apartment is ideal for accommodating 3 people, but it can accommodate up to 5 persons (it is possible to use sofa in the living room and extra bed in the bedroom ). The apartment has a bathroom, fully equipped kitchen with dining room and open-plan living room. The city centre can be reached in a pleasant 10 minute walk or in just 2 minutes by car. Villa's guests may use the service of buffet breakfast and dinner at the Malin Hotel (additinaly fees apply). For those looking both for comfort and beach prixuimity, Villa Malin is a perfect choice. As part of the facility, guests are provided with free parking and free WiFi. The outdoor grounds features terrace with deckchairs and parasols with path leading directly towards beach.The well-being, health and safety of our guests are our priority!The hygiene and cleanliness of our apartment is on the highest standard and the smallest detail is taken into account when cleaning!An additional feeling of security in our apartment is given by the fact that you are staying in a private house where You have no personal contact with other people!

  • TV
  • klimatizace
  • jacuzzi
  • WC
  • oddělená kuchyně
  • terasa
  • Wi-Fi
  • počet koupelen: 2
  • počet ložnic: 2
  • počet lůžek: 4

Neoficiální popis ubytování

Informace o hotelu

Nenašli jste zájezd, který odpovídá všem vašim očekáváním?

Zavolejte nám nebo spusťte live chat a zařídíme vám báječnou dovolenou, na kterou budete vzpomínat dlouhou dobu.

Jsme k zastižení Po-Pá 7:00-22:00; So-Ne 8:00-22:00.

226 000 250


Aktuální počasí

  • Teplota 21 °C v noci 17 °C

  • Teplota vzduchu 23 °C

  • Teplota vody 23 °C

Předpověď na další dny

  • Zítra 20 °C v noci 13 °C

  • Neděle 19 °C v noci 11 °C

  • Pondělí 19 °C v noci 8 °C

Měsíce vhodné na dovolenou v této destinaci

  • Nejlepší
  • Dobrý
  • Mimosezóna
  1. Leden: Mimosezóna
  2. Únor: Mimosezóna
  3. Březen: Mimosezóna
  4. Duben: Mimosezóna
  5. Květen: Dobrý
  6. Červen: Nejlepší
  7. Červenec: Nejlepší
  8. Srpen: Nejlepší
  9. Září: Dobrý
  10. Říjen: Dobrý
  11. Listopad: Mimosezóna
  12. Prosinec: Mimosezóna

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