• Již nejsou povinné COVID certifikáty při vstupu do Chorvatské republiky pro osoby přijíždějící ze zemí EU (povinnost předložit COVID certifikát nadále platí pro cestující vstupující do Chorvatské republiky ze třetích zemí, včetně občanů EU vstupujících do Chorvatské republiky ze třetích zemí).
  • Pro cestující ze zemí EU již nebude nutné vyplňovat formulář Enter Croatia.
Cesta zpět do ČR
  • Návrat z Chorvatska je od 18.3.2022 možný bez jakýchkoliv opatření

Aktuální vstupní podmínky a podmínky pro návrat najdete na webu Ministerstva zahraničních věcí: https://www.mzv.cz/jnp/cz/encyklopedie_statu/evropa/chorvatsko/cestovani/covid_19.html
Zájezd do

Apartmán Ivić

Hodnocení: 3/5

Chorvatsko, Primošten, Primošten


Více o hotelu

Dejte nám ještě chvilku, prosím,
ověřujeme dostupnost a ceny.

Apartments Ivić

Popis objektu

The comfortable Apartment Ivić A1 with one bedroom, which is ideal for 2 to 3 guests is located on the ground floor of the Apartment House Ivić. The apartment house is in the small town Jadrtovac only a few minutes away from the sea and beach, near the tourist destination Sibenik. The cozy one bedroom apartment offers you a relaxing vacation near the beach and consits of an equipped kitchen with kitchen utensils, a bathroom with a shower, a spacious bedroom with a double bed and a sofa bed for one additional guest. The guests also have a shared garden with sitting area and BBQ on theire disposal during theire stay. A private parking is available in front of the apartment house. Wifi, towels, bed linen and parking are included in the rental price of the apartment. If you are lokking for a relaxing vacation near the beach this is the perfect place for you. Comfortable two bedoom Apartment Ivić A2 which is ideal for a maximum of 5 guests and it is located on the first floor of the Apartment House Ivić. The apartment house is in the small town Jadrtovac only a few minutes away from the sea and beach, near the tourist destination Sibenik. The cozy two bedroom apartment offers you a relaxing vacation near the beach and consits of an equipped kitchen with kitchen utensils, one bedroom with a double bed , one bedroom with two single beds, a bathroom with a shower, a cozy living room with sofa bed for one additional person and a balcony with sitting area. Air Conditioning is available on extra charge uppon arrival. The guests also have a shared garden with sitting area and BBQ on theire disposal during theire stay. A private parking is available in front of the apartment house. Wifi, towels, bed linen and parking are included in the rental price of the apartment. Comfortable one bedoom Apartment Ivić A3 which is ideal for a maximum of 4 guests is located on the first floor of the Apartment House Ivić. The apartment house is in the small town Jadrtovac only a few minutes away from the sea and beach, near the tourist destination Sibenik. The cozy two bedroom apartment offers you a relaxing vacation near the beach and consits of an equipped kitchen with kitchen utensils, one bedroom with a double bed, bathroom with shower, living room with one single and one sofa bed for two additional guests and a balcony with sitting area. Air Conditioning is available on extra charge uppon arrival. The guests also have a shared garden with sitting area and BBQ on theire disposal during theire stay. A private parking is available in front of the apartment house. Wifi, towels, bed linen and parking are included in the rental price of the apartment. The Comfortable Studio Apartment Ivic A4 which is ideal for a maximum of 3 guests is located on the first floor of the Apartment House Ivić. The apartment house is in the small town Jadrtovac only a few minutes away from the sea and beach, near the popular tourist destination Sibenik. The cozy studio apartment offers you a relaxing vacation near the beach and consits of an equipped kitchen with kitchen utensils, one cozy bedroom with a double bed and a sofa bed for one additional guest, a bathroom with a shower, and a balcony with sitting area. The guests also have a shared garden with sitting area and BBQ on theire disposal during theire stay. A private parking is available in front of the apartment house. Wifi, towels, bed linen and parking are included in the rental price of the apartment. The Comfortable Studio Apartment Ivic A5 which is ideal for a maximum of 3 guests is located on the ground floor of the Apartment House Ivić. The apartment house is in the small town Jadrtovac only a few minutes away from the sea and beach, near the popular tourist destination Sibenik. The cozy studio apartment offers you a relaxing vacation near the beach and consits of an equipped kitchen with kitchen utensils, one cozy bedroom with a double bed and a sofa bed for one additional guest, a bathroom with a shower, and a terrace with sitting area. The guests also have a shared garden with sitting area and BBQ on theire disposal during theire stay. A private parking is available in front of the apartment house. Wifi, towels, bed linen and parking are included in the rental price of the apartment.

Pro děti

  • dětská postýlka


43.675921, 15.950981

Typy pokojů

2-pokojový byt 3 osoby
The comfortable Apartment Ivić A1 with one bedroom, which is ideal for 2 to 3 guests is located on the ground floor of the Apartment House Ivić. The apartment house is in the small town Jadrtovac only a few minutes away from the sea and beach, near the tourist destination Sibenik. The cozy one bedroom apartment offers you a relaxing vacation near the beach and consits of an equipped kitchen with kitchen utensils, a bathroom with a shower, a spacious bedroom with a double bed and a sofa bed for one additional guest. The guests also have a shared garden with sitting area and BBQ on theire disposal during theire stay. A private parking is available in front of the apartment house. Wifi, towels, bed linen and parking are included in the rental price of the apartment. If you are lokking for a relaxing vacation near the beach this is the perfect place for you.

  • TV
  • oddělená kuchyně
  • terasa
  • Wi-Fi
  • počet koupelen: 1
  • počet ložnic: 1
  • počet lůžek: 3

3-pokojový byt 5 osoby
Comfortable two bedoom Apartment Ivić A2 which is ideal for a maximum of 5 guests and it is located on the first floor of the Apartment House Ivić. The apartment house is in the small town Jadrtovac only a few minutes away from the sea and beach, near the tourist destination Sibenik. The cozy two bedroom apartment offers you a relaxing vacation near the beach and consits of an equipped kitchen with kitchen utensils, one bedroom with a double bed , one bedroom with two single beds, a bathroom with a shower, a cozy living room with sofa bed for one additional person and a balcony with sitting area. Air Conditioning is available on extra charge uppon arrival. The guests also have a shared garden with sitting area and BBQ on theire disposal during theire stay. A private parking is available in front of the apartment house. Wifi, towels, bed linen and parking are included in the rental price of the apartment.

  • TV
  • balkón
  • obývací prostor
  • klimatizace
  • oddělená kuchyně
  • Wi-Fi
  • počet koupelen: 2
  • počet ložnic: 2
  • počet lůžek: 5

Studio byt 3 osoby
The Comfortable Studio Apartment Ivic A5 which is ideal for a maximum of 3 guests is located on the ground floor of the Apartment House Ivić. The apartment house is in the small town Jadrtovac only a few minutes away from the sea and beach, near the popular tourist destination Sibenik. The cozy studio apartment offers you a relaxing vacation near the beach and consits of an equipped kitchen with kitchen utensils, one cozy bedroom with a double bed and a sofa bed for one additional guest, a bathroom with a shower, and a terrace with sitting area. The guests also have a shared garden with sitting area and BBQ on theire disposal during theire stay. A private parking is available in front of the apartment house. Wifi, towels, bed linen and parking are included in the rental price of the apartment.

  • TV
  • obývací prostor
  • oddělená kuchyně
  • terasa
  • Wi-Fi
  • počet lůžek: 3

2-pokojový byt 4 osoby
Comfortable one bedoom Apartment Ivić A3 which is ideal for a maximum of 4 guests is located on the first floor of the Apartment House Ivić. The apartment house is in the small town Jadrtovac only a few minutes away from the sea and beach, near the tourist destination Sibenik. The cozy two bedroom apartment offers you a relaxing vacation near the beach and consits of an equipped kitchen with kitchen utensils, one bedroom with a double bed, bathroom with shower, living room with one single and one sofa bed for two additional guests and a balcony with sitting area. Air Conditioning is available on extra charge uppon arrival. The guests also have a shared garden with sitting area and BBQ on theire disposal during theire stay. A private parking is available in front of the apartment house. Wifi, towels, bed linen and parking are included in the rental price of the apartment.

  • TV
  • balkón
  • obývací prostor
  • klimatizace
  • oddělená kuchyně
  • Wi-Fi
  • počet koupelen: 1
  • počet ložnic: 1
  • počet lůžek: 4

2-pokojový byt 3 osoby
The Comfortable Studio Apartment Ivic A4 which is ideal for a maximum of 3 guests is located on the first floor of the Apartment House Ivić. The apartment house is in the small town Jadrtovac only a few minutes away from the sea and beach, near the popular tourist destination Sibenik. The cozy studio apartment offers you a relaxing vacation near the beach and consits of an equipped kitchen with kitchen utensils, one cozy bedroom with a double bed and a sofa bed for one additional guest, a bathroom with a shower, and a balcony with sitting area. The guests also have a shared garden with sitting area and BBQ on theire disposal during theire stay. A private parking is available in front of the apartment house. Wifi, towels, bed linen and parking are included in the rental price of the apartment.

  • TV
  • balkón
  • oddělená kuchyně
  • Wi-Fi
  • počet koupelen: 1
  • počet ložnic: 1
  • počet lůžek: 3

Informace o hotelu

Vyberte si termín



Nachází se mezi zátokami Luka Primošten a Raduča asi 28 km jihovýchodně od Šibeniku hned u magistrály. Toto městečko je vlastně rozděleno na dvě části, rozkládající se na menších poloostrovech. Jeden z nich, na kterém byla vystavěna a stupňovitě rozmístěna stará vesnice, je s pevninou spojen mostem. To dalo celé obci její název, neboť Primošten znamená přemostěný nebo připojený mostem. Dominantou této malebné lokality je kostel sv. Jiří se vzácnou ikonou Panny Marie se sv. Lukášem. Druhý poloostrůvek Raduča je spíše více zalesněný a při pohledu na něj z bujného borovicového porostu vykukuje pár hotelů nebo jiných turistických zařízení. Zde si můžete užívat koupání a opalování na pozvolně sestupujících oblázkových plážích; hustý porost také nabízí dostatek stinných zákoutí jako ochranu před spálením. Určitě se nebojte vyzkoušet školu jachtingu nebo potápění, tak jako i další vodní nebo jiné sporty. Pro tancechtivé návštěvníky se doporučuje diskotéka Aurora s kapacitou až 3000 lidí a bohatým programem, ze kterého si vybere snad každý, ať jsou jeho hudební nároky jakékoliv. Městečko také proslulo velkou koncentrací výtvarných umělců nebo hudebníků. Asi největším zdejším lákadlem jsou však proslulé vinohrady, známé jako "světová památka lidské práce a dřiny". Vynikající víno však za tuto námahu určitě stojí.




Aktuální počasí

  • Teplota 32 °C v noci 21 °C

  • Teplota vody 24 °C

Předpověď na další dny

  • Zítra 33 °C v noci 22 °C

  • Úterý 35 °C v noci 23 °C

  • Středa 34 °C v noci 24 °C

  • Čtvrtek 35 °C v noci 24 °C

Měsíce vhodné na dovolenou v této destinaci

  • Nejlepší
  • Dobrý
  • Mimosezóna
  1. Leden
  2. Únor
  3. Březen
  4. Duben
  5. Květen
  6. Červen
  7. Červenec
  8. Srpen
  9. Září
  10. Říjen
  11. Listopad
  12. Prosinec

Další zájezdy, které by vás mohly zaujmout