Aktuálně platné podmínky pro cesty do Chorvatska

Hotel Apartmán Belušić

Hodnocení: 3/5

Chorvatsko, Pula, Fažana

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od 4 383 za os.

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Neoficiální popis ubytování

Popis objektu

Three bedroom apartment Belušić is located in a small town of Valbandon, just few kilometers away from Fažana in the north and Pula in the south. It is situated on a first floor of this house and it can accommodate up to eight persons which makes it a perfect accommodation for big families.The apartment consists of three bedrooms, two bathrooms, a living room, a dining room and a fully equipped kitchen with kitchen utensils and all the necessary cooking appliances. Two bedrooms contain double beds while the third bedroom has two single beds and a bunk bed with two beds. One bathroom has a bathtub and a washing machine, while the other bathroom has a shower. In the spacious living are you can find a fireplace and a TV surrounded with couches. From the apartment you can enter your private roofed balcony with a seating area for enjoying in warm summer evenings in Valbandon. Private parking is at your disposal. BBQ grill is available in the shared garden.


44.915462, 13.819444

Typy pokojů

4-pokojový byt 8 osoby
Three bedroom apartment Belušić is located in a small town of Valbandon, just few kilometers away from Fažana in the north and Pula in the south. It is situated on a first floor of this house and it can accommodate up to eight persons which makes it a perfect accommodation for big families.The apartment consists of three bedrooms, two bathrooms, a living room, a dining room and a fully equipped kitchen with kitchen utensils and all the necessary cooking appliances. Two bedrooms contain double beds while the third bedroom has two single beds and a bunk bed with two beds. One bathroom has a bathtub and a washing machine, while the other bathroom has a shower. In the spacious living are you can find a fireplace and a TV surrounded with couches. From the apartment you can enter your private roofed balcony with a seating area for enjoying in warm summer evenings in Valbandon. Private parking is at your disposal. BBQ grill is available in the shared garden.

  • TV
  • balkón
  • obývací prostor
  • klimatizace
  • WC
  • oddělená kuchyně
  • krb
  • Wi-Fi
  • počet koupelen: 3
  • počet ložnic: 3
  • počet lůžek: 8

Neoficiální popis ubytování

Informace o hotelu

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Zavolejte nám nebo spusťte live chat a zařídíme vám báječnou dovolenou, na kterou budete vzpomínat dlouhou dobu.

Jsme k zastižení Po-Pá 7:00-22:00; So-Ne 8:00-22:00.

226 000 250


Aktuální počasí

  • Teplota 21 °C v noci 16 °C

  • Teplota vzduchu 19 °C

  • Teplota vody 20 °C

Předpověď na další dny

  • Zítra 20 °C v noci 16 °C

  • Pondělí 22 °C v noci 16 °C

  • Úterý 22 °C v noci 16 °C

Měsíce vhodné na dovolenou v této destinaci

  • Nejlepší
  • Dobrý
  • Mimosezóna
  1. Leden: Mimosezóna
  2. Únor: Mimosezóna
  3. Březen: Mimosezóna
  4. Duben: Mimosezóna
  5. Květen: Dobrý
  6. Červen: Nejlepší
  7. Červenec: Nejlepší
  8. Srpen: Nejlepší
  9. Září: Dobrý
  10. Říjen: Dobrý
  11. Listopad: Mimosezóna
  12. Prosinec: Mimosezóna

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