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  • Pro cestující ze zemí EU již nebude nutné vyplňovat formulář Enter Croatia.
Cesta zpět do ČR
  • Návrat z Chorvatska je od 18.3.2022 možný bez jakýchkoliv opatření

Aktuální vstupní podmínky a podmínky pro návrat najdete na webu Ministerstva zahraničních věcí: https://www.mzv.cz/jnp/cz/encyklopedie_statu/evropa/chorvatsko/cestovani/covid_19.html
Zájezd do

Apartmán Stanko

Hodnocení: 3/5

Chorvatsko, Pula, Fažana

Dejte nám ještě chvilku, prosím,
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Apartments Stanko Fazana

Popis objektu

Fazana is a small town near Pula in the south of Istria. Known as a fishing village, today it is at the forefront of tourism, which is greatly helped by the fact that the starting port for the Brijuni National Park, called Paradise on Earth. Apartment complex Stanko is located only 450 meters from the sea, beach and city center. It consists of 6 apartments. All apartments are air conditioned and have a terrace or balcony. Private parking is provided in the yard. Pets are welcome with extra charge on spot.. Apartment Stanko Aa is located on the ground floor, has one bedroom, fully equipped kitchen conected with dining and living room , one bathroom and a terrace with seating area. Guests have at their disposal: air conditioning, satellite TV, bed linen, towels, wi-fi, common garden with BBQ and parking in front of the house. Fazana is a small town near Pula in the south of Istria. Known as a fishing village, today it is at the forefront of tourism, which is greatly helped by the fact that the departure port for the Brijuni National Park, called Paradise on Earth. Apartment complex Stanko is located only 450 meters from the sea, beach and city center. It consists of 6 apartments. All apartments are air conditioned and some have a terrace or balcony. Private parking is provided in the yard. Pets are welcome at an additional cost on site. Apartment Stanko A3 is located on the first floor, has one bedroom with double bed, fully equipped kitchen connected to the dining room and living room, one bathroom. Guests have at their disposal: air conditioning, satellite TV, bed linen, towels, wi-fi, shared garden with barbecue, shared laundry and parking in front of the house. Fazana is a small town near Pula in the south of Istria. Known as a fishing village, today it is at the forefront of tourism, which is greatly helped by the fact that the starting port for the Brijuni National Park, called Paradise on Earth. Apartment complex Stanko is located only 450 meters from the sea, beach and city center. It consists of 6 apartments. All apartments are air conditioned and have a terrace or balcony. Private parking is provided in the yard. Pets are welcome with extra charge on spot. Apartment Stanko A4 is located on the first floor, has one bedroom with double bed, fully equipped kitchen connected with dining and living room , one bathroom and shared balcony with seating area. Guests have at their disposal: air conditioning, satellite TV, bed linen, towels, wi-fi, common garden with BBQ, shared laundry room and parking in front of the house. Fazana is a small town near Pula in the south of Istria. Known as a fishing village, today it is at the forefront of tourism, which is greatly helped by the fact that the starting port for the Brijuni National Park, called Paradise on Earth. Apartment complex Stanko is located only 450 meters from the sea, beach and city center. It consists of 6 apartments. All apartments are air conditioned and have a terrace or balcony. Private parking is provided in the yard. Pets are welcome. Apartment Stanko A5 is located on the 1st floor, has three bedrooms, fully equipped kitchen, living room, two bathrooms and a private balcony. Guests have at their disposal: air conditioning, satellite TV, bed linen, towels, wi-fi, common garden with BBQ, shared laundry room and parking in front of the house. The Spacious Apartment Stanko A6 with Balcony and three bedrooms is located in Fazana a small town near Pula in the south of Istria. The Apartment complex Stanko is located only 450 meters from the sea, beach and city center. This spacious apartment can accomodate a maximum of 6 guests and offers you everything you need for a relaxing vacation. It spreads on 65m2 and consists of 3 bedrooms each with a double bed, , a cozy living room, an equipped kitchen with kitchen utensils, a bathroom with a shower and a balcony with sitting area. Air conditioning, TV, bed linen, towels, wifi and parking are included in the rental price of the apartment. The guest also have a shared garden wit BBQ and a shared laundry room on theire disposal during there stay.


44.923157, 13.808777

Typy pokojů

2-pokojový byt 2 osoby
Fazana is a small town near Pula in the south of Istria. Known as a fishing village, today it is at the forefront of tourism, which is greatly helped by the fact that the starting port for the Brijuni National Park, called Paradise on Earth. Apartment complex Stanko is located only 450 meters from the sea, beach and city center. It consists of 6 apartments. All apartments are air conditioned and have a terrace or balcony. Private parking is provided in the yard. Pets are welcome with extra charge on spot.. Apartment Stanko Aa is located on the ground floor, has one bedroom, fully equipped kitchen conected with dining and living room , one bathroom and a terrace with seating area. Guests have at their disposal: air conditioning, satellite TV, bed linen, towels, wi-fi, common garden with BBQ and parking in front of the house.

  • TV
  • klimatizace
  • WC
  • oddělená kuchyně
  • terasa
  • Wi-Fi
  • počet koupelen: 1
  • počet ložnic: 1
  • počet lůžek: 2

4-pokojový byt 6 osoby
Fazana is a small town near Pula in the south of Istria. Known as a fishing village, today it is at the forefront of tourism, which is greatly helped by the fact that the starting port for the Brijuni National Park, called Paradise on Earth. Apartment complex Stanko is located only 450 meters from the sea, beach and city center. It consists of 6 apartments. All apartments are air conditioned and have a terrace or balcony. Private parking is provided in the yard. Pets are welcome. Apartment Stanko A5 is located on the 1st floor, has three bedrooms, fully equipped kitchen, living room, two bathrooms and a private balcony. Guests have at their disposal: air conditioning, satellite TV, bed linen, towels, wi-fi, common garden with BBQ, shared laundry room and parking in front of the house.

  • TV
  • balkón
  • obývací prostor
  • klimatizace
  • WC
  • oddělená kuchyně
  • Wi-Fi
  • počet přistýlek: 2
  • počet koupelen: 3
  • počet ložnic: 3
  • počet lůžek: 4

4-pokojový byt 6 osoby
The Spacious Apartment Stanko A6 with Balcony and three bedrooms is located in Fazana a small town near Pula in the south of Istria. The Apartment complex Stanko is located only 450 meters from the sea, beach and city center. This spacious apartment can accomodate a maximum of 6 guests and offers you everything you need for a relaxing vacation. It spreads on 65m2 and consists of 3 bedrooms each with a double bed, , a cozy living room, an equipped kitchen with kitchen utensils, a bathroom with a shower and a balcony with sitting area. Air conditioning, TV, bed linen, towels, wifi and parking are included in the rental price of the apartment. The guest also have a shared garden wit BBQ and a shared laundry room on theire disposal during there stay.

  • TV
  • balkón
  • obývací prostor
  • klimatizace
  • WC
  • oddělená kuchyně
  • Wi-Fi
  • počet přistýlek: 2
  • počet koupelen: 3
  • počet ložnic: 3
  • počet lůžek: 4

2-pokojový byt 2 osoby
Fazana is a small town near Pula in the south of Istria. Known as a fishing village, today it is at the forefront of tourism, which is greatly helped by the fact that the departure port for the Brijuni National Park, called Paradise on Earth. Apartment complex Stanko is located only 450 meters from the sea, beach and city center. It consists of 6 apartments. All apartments are air conditioned and some have a terrace or balcony. Private parking is provided in the yard. Pets are welcome at an additional cost on site. Apartment Stanko A3 is located on the first floor, has one bedroom with double bed, fully equipped kitchen connected to the dining room and living room, one bathroom. Guests have at their disposal: air conditioning, satellite TV, bed linen, towels, wi-fi, shared garden with barbecue, shared laundry and parking in front of the house.

  • TV
  • klimatizace
  • WC
  • oddělená kuchyně
  • terasa
  • Wi-Fi
  • počet koupelen: 1
  • počet ložnic: 1
  • počet lůžek: 2

2-pokojový byt 2 osoby
Fazana is a small town near Pula in the south of Istria. Known as a fishing village, today it is at the forefront of tourism, which is greatly helped by the fact that the starting port for the Brijuni National Park, called Paradise on Earth. Apartment complex Stanko is located only 450 meters from the sea, beach and city center. It consists of 6 apartments. All apartments are air conditioned and have a terrace or balcony. Private parking is provided in the yard. Pets are welcome with extra charge on spot. Apartment Stanko A4 is located on the first floor, has one bedroom with double bed, fully equipped kitchen connected with dining and living room , one bathroom and shared balcony with seating area. Guests have at their disposal: air conditioning, satellite TV, bed linen, towels, wi-fi, common garden with BBQ, shared laundry room and parking in front of the house.

  • TV
  • klimatizace
  • WC
  • oddělená kuchyně
  • terasa
  • Wi-Fi
  • počet koupelen: 1
  • počet ložnic: 1
  • počet lůžek: 2

Informace o hotelu

Vyberte si termín



Důkazy o trvalém osídlení tohoto místa pocházejí z doby před několika desítkami století. V 1. století zde Římané založili kolonii z názvem Colonia Pietas Iulia Pola, a právě tato událost dala vzniknout velkému množství historických památek jako je amfiteátr, Herkulova brána nebo Vítězný oblouk rodiny Sergiů. Postupem času a také s příchozím vlivem Itálie, jejíž součástí se Pula stala, se začalo měnit i složení obyvatel. Když byla Pula připojena k Jugoslávii, drtivá většina místních obyvatel mluvila italsky, a dokonce ještě i dnes se zde touto řečí můžeme dorozumět.

Pula je v současnosti největším městem v celé Istrii a stala se jejím důležitým střediskem. Z hlediska turistiky stojí velmi vysoko na pomyslném žebříčku popularity mezi turisty, a to hlavně těch, kteří si nenechají ujít žádnou sportovní nebo kulturní příležitost.

Pokud hodláte strávit dovolenou právě v tomto městě, nezapomeňte navštívit právě slavný římský amfiteátr z 1. století, který je zároveň pátý nejzachovalejší v Evropě. V dobách své největší slávy pojal neuvěřitelných 23 tisíc lidí. Dnes slouží jako dějiště řady festivalů a zábavních akcí. Triumfální oblouk rodiny Sergiů pochází taktéž z této doby a byl součástí původní Zlaté brány. Ta byla bohužel zbořena v 19. století. Pokud se přesuneme z římských dob do pozdějších století, nesmíme zapomenout zmínit Mariánskou katedrálu při nábřeží s velmi cenným interiérem nebo několik muzeí, ať už s historickou nebo vinařskou tematikou.




Aktuální počasí

  • Teplota 34 °C v noci 23 °C

  • Teplota vody 24 °C

Předpověď na další dny

  • Zítra 35 °C v noci 24 °C

  • Pondělí 33 °C v noci 23 °C

  • Úterý 34 °C v noci 23 °C

  • Středa 35 °C v noci 23 °C

Měsíce vhodné na dovolenou v této destinaci

  • Nejlepší
  • Dobrý
  • Mimosezóna
  1. Leden
  2. Únor
  3. Březen
  4. Duben
  5. Květen
  6. Červen
  7. Červenec
  8. Srpen
  9. Září
  10. Říjen
  11. Listopad
  12. Prosinec

Další zájezdy, které by vás mohly zaujmout