• Již nejsou povinné COVID certifikáty při vstupu do Chorvatské republiky pro osoby přijíždějící ze zemí EU (povinnost předložit COVID certifikát nadále platí pro cestující vstupující do Chorvatské republiky ze třetích zemí, včetně občanů EU vstupujících do Chorvatské republiky ze třetích zemí).
  • Pro cestující ze zemí EU již nebude nutné vyplňovat formulář Enter Croatia.
Cesta zpět do ČR
  • Návrat z Chorvatska je od 18.3.2022 možný bez jakýchkoliv opatření

Aktuální vstupní podmínky a podmínky pro návrat najdete na webu Ministerstva zahraničních věcí: https://www.mzv.cz/jnp/cz/encyklopedie_statu/evropa/chorvatsko/cestovani/covid_19.html
Zájezd do

Apartmán Ljubica Banjol

Hodnocení: 3/5

Chorvatsko, Rab, Město Rab

Dejte nám ještě chvilku, prosím,
ověřujeme dostupnost a ceny.

Apartments Ljubica Banjol

Popis objektu

Holiday house with three apartments is located on the beautiful island of Rab. The apartments are located in a quiet area near the sea and the center and yet close to all activities. Sandy, pebble and stone beaches are only 70 meters away. The city center is 1500 m away. Studio apartment with sea view A1 can accommodate 2 people. The apartment offers Internet connection, air conditioning and satellite TV, equipped kitchen and bathroom with shower. A washing machine and baby cot are available on request. Guests are also provided with parking. In this convenient location you can visit one of the many beaches every day, enjoy the beautiful nature or explore many places. After a busy day, you can relax in the peace and privacy of your apartment. In this ideal holiday destination you can enjoy many activities or simply relax from your daily routine. Holiday house with three apartments is located on the beautiful island of Rab. The apartments are located in a quiet area near the sea and the center and yet close to all activities. Sandy, pebble and stone beaches are only 70 meters away. The city center is 1500 m away. The apartment on the ground floor A2 can accommodate 2 people. The apartment offers Internet connection, air conditioning and satellite TV, equipped kitchen and bathroom with shower. A washing machine and baby cot are available on request. Guests are also provided with parking. In this convenient location you can visit one of the many beaches every day, enjoy the beautiful nature or explore many places. After a busy day, you can relax in the peace and privacy of your apartment. In this ideal holiday destination you can enjoy many activities or simply relax from your daily routine. Holiday house with three apartments is located on the beautiful island of Rab. The apartments are located in a quiet area near the sea and the center and yet close to all activities. Sandy, pebble and stone beaches are only 70 meters from the apartments. The city center is 1500 m away. Apartment with sea view A3 can accommodate 4 people. The apartment offers Internet connection, air conditioning and satellite TV, equipped kitchen and bathroom with shower. A washing machine and baby cot are available on request. Guests are also provided with parking. In this convenient location you can visit one of the many beaches every day, enjoy the beautiful nature or explore many places. After a busy day, you can relax in the peace and privacy of your apartment. In this ideal holiday destination you can enjoy many activities or simply relax from your daily routine.


44.75368, 14.77413

Typy pokojů

2-pokojový byt 2 osoby
Holiday house with three apartments is located on the beautiful island of Rab. The apartments are located in a quiet area near the sea and the center and yet close to all activities. Sandy, pebble and stone beaches are only 70 meters away. The city center is 1500 m away. The apartment on the ground floor A2 can accommodate 2 people. The apartment offers Internet connection, air conditioning and satellite TV, equipped kitchen and bathroom with shower. A washing machine and baby cot are available on request. Guests are also provided with parking. In this convenient location you can visit one of the many beaches every day, enjoy the beautiful nature or explore many places. After a busy day, you can relax in the peace and privacy of your apartment. In this ideal holiday destination you can enjoy many activities or simply relax from your daily routine.

  • TV
  • balkón
  • obývací prostor
  • klimatizace
  • WC
  • oddělená kuchyně
  • Wi-Fi
  • počet koupelen: 1
  • počet ložnic: 1
  • počet lůžek: 2

3-pokojový byt 4 osoby
Holiday house with three apartments is located on the beautiful island of Rab. The apartments are located in a quiet area near the sea and the center and yet close to all activities. Sandy, pebble and stone beaches are only 70 meters from the apartments. The city center is 1500 m away. Apartment with sea view A3 can accommodate 4 people. The apartment offers Internet connection, air conditioning and satellite TV, equipped kitchen and bathroom with shower. A washing machine and baby cot are available on request. Guests are also provided with parking. In this convenient location you can visit one of the many beaches every day, enjoy the beautiful nature or explore many places. After a busy day, you can relax in the peace and privacy of your apartment. In this ideal holiday destination you can enjoy many activities or simply relax from your daily routine.

  • TV
  • balkón
  • obývací prostor
  • klimatizace
  • WC
  • oddělená kuchyně
  • Wi-Fi
  • počet koupelen: 2
  • počet ložnic: 2
  • počet lůžek: 4

2-pokojový byt 2 osoby
Holiday house with three apartments is located on the beautiful island of Rab. The apartments are located in a quiet area near the sea and the center and yet close to all activities. Sandy, pebble and stone beaches are only 70 meters away. The city center is 1500 m away. Studio apartment with sea view A1 can accommodate 2 people. The apartment offers Internet connection, air conditioning and satellite TV, equipped kitchen and bathroom with shower. A washing machine and baby cot are available on request. Guests are also provided with parking. In this convenient location you can visit one of the many beaches every day, enjoy the beautiful nature or explore many places. After a busy day, you can relax in the peace and privacy of your apartment. In this ideal holiday destination you can enjoy many activities or simply relax from your daily routine.

  • TV
  • balkón
  • klimatizace
  • WC
  • oddělená kuchyně
  • Wi-Fi
  • počet koupelen: 1
  • počet ložnic: 1
  • počet lůžek: 2

Informace o hotelu

Vyberte si termín



Jeden z nejlákavější ostrovů na Jadranu se nachází ve vnitřním pásu Kvarnerského souostroví. Na rozdíl od ostrova Pagu je Rab chráněný před nepříznivým vlivem prudkých větrů, hlavně vyšším hřebenem Kamenjaku, sahajícím do výšky něco málo nad 400 m. Proto je Rab porostlý dokonce i duby. Celkově můžeme říct, že je zdejší prostředí velmi zdravé, bezprašné a prosycené solí, takže blahodárně působí na celý organismus. Na počátku 20. století získalo město Rab statut lázní a od této doby se turistický ruch začal velmi rychle rozvíjet.
Ostrov je přístupný pouze trajektem z městečka Jablanec, Rjeky nebo Zadaru. Taktéž trajektem se můžete dostat na ostrov Krk.

Přímo na náměstí Svetog Kristofora se shromažďují ty nejzajímavější architektonické památky z dob dávno minulých. Snad nejstarší stavbou, či vlastně pozůstatkem stavby je ruina kostela sv. Ivana ze 7. století. Nejimpozantnější výhled se naskytne z mohutné, 25 metrů vysoké věže katedrály Sveti Marija z 12. století. Velmi bujarou a oblíbenou zábavou jsou oslavy sv. Krištofa 27. července, kdy můžete zhlédnout soutěže ve střelbě z kuše nebo podlehnout kouzlu místních tanců.




Aktuální počasí

  • Teplota 20 °C v noci 16 °C

  • Teplota vody 24 °C

Předpověď na další dny

  • Zítra 23 °C v noci 17 °C

  • Pondělí 25 °C v noci 18 °C

  • Úterý 25 °C v noci 18 °C

  • Středa 28 °C v noci 21 °C

Měsíce vhodné na dovolenou v této destinaci

  • Nejlepší
  • Dobrý
  • Mimosezóna
  1. Leden
  2. Únor
  3. Březen
  4. Duben
  5. Květen
  6. Červen
  7. Červenec
  8. Srpen
  9. Září
  10. Říjen
  11. Listopad
  12. Prosinec

Další zájezdy, které by vás mohly zaujmout