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Aktuální vstupní podmínky a podmínky pro návrat najdete na webu Ministerstva zahraničních věcí: https://www.mzv.cz/jnp/cz/encyklopedie_statu/evropa/chorvatsko/cestovani/covid_19.html
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Apartmán Verka

Hodnocení: 3/5

Chorvatsko, Zadar


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Apartments Verka

Popis objektu

Apartments Verka are located in Bibinje, only 600 meters from the nearest beach, grocery store, coffee shop and restaurant. Zadar airport is only 7 km away from these apartments, and so is the popular Dalmatian city of Zadar with its beautiful sights and nightlife. This house offers three apartments, all equipped with air-conditioning, satellite TV, Wi-Fi access, bed linen and towels. There is also a parking spot available to all guests of the apartments. These simple but nice apartments are the perfect choice for a pleasant holiday in Dalmatia! This cosy studio apartment is located on the second floor and can accommodate up to two people. It consists of a double bed, living/dining room with satellite TV and air conditioning. There is also a kitchen with basic kitchen utensils and appliances. The studio apartment has an exit to a furnished balcony, perfect for relaxing and enjoying a breathtaking sea view. Welcome and enjoy your stay in Apartments Verka in Bibinje! Apartments Verka are located in Bibinje, only 600 meters from the nearest beach, grocery store, coffee shop and restaurant. Zadar airport is only 7 km away from these apartments, and so is the popular Dalmatian city of Zadar with its beautiful sights and nightlife. This house offers three apartments, all equipped with air-conditioning, satellite TV, WiFi access, bed linen and towels. There is also a parking spot available to all guests of the apartments. These simple but nice apartments are the perfect choice for a pleasant vacation in Dalmatia! This cozy studio apartment is located on the second floor and can accommodate up to three people. It consists of a bedroom/living room with a double bed, sattelite TV, air conditioning, a sofa bed for a third person and a dining area. There is also a kitchen with basic kitchen utensils and appliances. The studio apartment has an exit to a furnished balcony, perfect for relaxing and enjoying a breathtaking sea view. Welcome and enjoy your stay in Apartments Verka in Bibinje! Apartments Verka are located in Bibinje, only 600 meters from the nearest beach, grocery store, coffee shop and restaurant. Zadar airport is only 7 km away from these apartments, and so is the popular Dalmatian city of Zadar with its beautiful sights and nightlife. This house offers three apartments, all equipped with air-conditioning, satellite TV, Wi-Fi access, bed linen and towels. There is also a parking spot available to all guests of the apartments. These simple but nice apartments are the perfect choice for a pleasant holiday in Dalmatia! This cosy studio apartment is located on the second floor and can accommodate up to four people. It consists of a bedroom with a double bed open to a living/dining room with satellite TV, air conditioning, and a sofa bed for two additional persons. There is also a kitchen with basic kitchen utensils and appliances. The studio apartment has an exit to a furnished balcony, perfect for relaxing and enjoying a breathtaking sea view. Welcome and enjoy your stay in Apartments Verka in Bibinje! Apartments Verka are located in Bibinje, only 600 meters from the nearest beach, grocery store, coffee shop and restaurant. This one bedroom apartment A2 is located on the first floor and it can accommodate up to five people. It consists of a bedroom with a double bed, a living room with two sofa beds (3 sleeping possibilities) with satellite TV and air conditioning. There is also a kitchen with basic kitchen utensils and appliances. The apartment has an exit to a furnished balcony, perfect for relaxing and enjoying a breathtaking sea view. Zadar airport is only 7 km away from these apartments, and so is the popular Dalmatian city of Zadar with its beautiful sights and nightlife. This house offers three apartments, all equipped with air-conditioning, satellite TV, WiFi access, bed linen and towels. There is also a parking spot available to all guests of the apartments. These simple but nice apartments are the perfect choice for a pleasant vacation in Dalmatia! Welcome and enjoy your stay in Apartments Verka in Bibinje!


44.07431, 15.28714

Typy pokojů

2-pokojový byt 2 osoby
Apartments Verka are located in Bibinje, only 600 meters from the nearest beach, grocery store, coffee shop and restaurant. Zadar airport is only 7 km away from these apartments, and so is the popular Dalmatian city of Zadar with its beautiful sights and nightlife. This house offers three apartments, all equipped with air-conditioning, satellite TV, Wi-Fi access, bed linen and towels. There is also a parking spot available to all guests of the apartments. These simple but nice apartments are the perfect choice for a pleasant holiday in Dalmatia! This cosy studio apartment is located on the second floor and can accommodate up to two people. It consists of a double bed, living/dining room with satellite TV and air conditioning. There is also a kitchen with basic kitchen utensils and appliances. The studio apartment has an exit to a furnished balcony, perfect for relaxing and enjoying a breathtaking sea view. Welcome and enjoy your stay in Apartments Verka in Bibinje!

  • TV
  • balkón
  • klimatizace
  • WC
  • oddělená kuchyně
  • Wi-Fi
  • počet koupelen: 1
  • počet ložnic: 1
  • počet lůžek: 2

2-pokojový byt 5 osoby
Apartments Verka are located in Bibinje, only 600 meters from the nearest beach, grocery store, coffee shop and restaurant. This one bedroom apartment A2 is located on the first floor and it can accommodate up to five people. It consists of a bedroom with a double bed, a living room with two sofa beds (3 sleeping possibilities) with satellite TV and air conditioning. There is also a kitchen with basic kitchen utensils and appliances. The apartment has an exit to a furnished balcony, perfect for relaxing and enjoying a breathtaking sea view. Zadar airport is only 7 km away from these apartments, and so is the popular Dalmatian city of Zadar with its beautiful sights and nightlife. This house offers three apartments, all equipped with air-conditioning, satellite TV, WiFi access, bed linen and towels. There is also a parking spot available to all guests of the apartments. These simple but nice apartments are the perfect choice for a pleasant vacation in Dalmatia! Welcome and enjoy your stay in Apartments Verka in Bibinje!

  • TV
  • balkón
  • obývací prostor
  • klimatizace
  • WC
  • oddělená kuchyně
  • Wi-Fi
  • počet přistýlek: 3
  • počet koupelen: 1
  • počet ložnic: 1
  • počet lůžek: 2

2-pokojový byt 3 osoby
Apartments Verka are located in Bibinje, only 600 meters from the nearest beach, grocery store, coffee shop and restaurant. Zadar airport is only 7 km away from these apartments, and so is the popular Dalmatian city of Zadar with its beautiful sights and nightlife. This house offers three apartments, all equipped with air-conditioning, satellite TV, WiFi access, bed linen and towels. There is also a parking spot available to all guests of the apartments. These simple but nice apartments are the perfect choice for a pleasant vacation in Dalmatia! This cozy studio apartment is located on the second floor and can accommodate up to three people. It consists of a bedroom/living room with a double bed, sattelite TV, air conditioning, a sofa bed for a third person and a dining area. There is also a kitchen with basic kitchen utensils and appliances. The studio apartment has an exit to a furnished balcony, perfect for relaxing and enjoying a breathtaking sea view. Welcome and enjoy your stay in Apartments Verka in Bibinje!

  • TV
  • balkón
  • klimatizace
  • oddělená kuchyně
  • Wi-Fi
  • počet přistýlek: 1
  • počet koupelen: 1
  • počet ložnic: 1
  • počet lůžek: 2

2-pokojový byt 4 osoby
Apartments Verka are located in Bibinje, only 600 meters from the nearest beach, grocery store, coffee shop and restaurant. Zadar airport is only 7 km away from these apartments, and so is the popular Dalmatian city of Zadar with its beautiful sights and nightlife. This house offers three apartments, all equipped with air-conditioning, satellite TV, Wi-Fi access, bed linen and towels. There is also a parking spot available to all guests of the apartments. These simple but nice apartments are the perfect choice for a pleasant holiday in Dalmatia! This cosy studio apartment is located on the second floor and can accommodate up to four people. It consists of a bedroom with a double bed open to a living/dining room with satellite TV, air conditioning, and a sofa bed for two additional persons. There is also a kitchen with basic kitchen utensils and appliances. The studio apartment has an exit to a furnished balcony, perfect for relaxing and enjoying a breathtaking sea view. Welcome and enjoy your stay in Apartments Verka in Bibinje!

  • TV
  • balkón
  • klimatizace
  • oddělená kuchyně
  • Wi-Fi
  • počet přistýlek: 2
  • počet koupelen: 1
  • počet ložnic: 1
  • počet lůžek: 2

Informace o hotelu

Vyberte si termín



Velice důležitý jadranský přístav, dopravní uzel, obchodní metropole i turistické centrum v jednom - to je starobylé město Zadar plné historických památek i dalších zajímavostí, lákající návštěvníky již několik staletí. Velmi důležitou roli pro vývoj města měli Římané, kteří zde postavili hradby, amfiteátr, akvadukt a dokonce i lázně a kanalizaci. Patrný je i vliv benátské nadvlády.

Přímo uprostřed starého města nás zaujme dvouposchoďový kostel sv. Donáta s připojenou velkolepou katedrálou sv. Anastázie ze 14. století. Obě stavby se staly místním symbolem, na který nikdo z obyvatel nedá dopustit. Kostel je vysoký 27 metrů a je inspirován kaplí Karla Velikého v Cáchách. Pokud se chcete blíže seznámit s historií města, navštivte Archeologické muzeum s exponáty z ilyrské, řecké a římské doby. Velkou senzaci vzbudilo po druhé světové válce při odklízení válečných trosek objevení římského fora, které dnes patří k nejnavštěvovanějším zajímavostem Zadaru. Od 12. století vlastní město status chorvatského arcibiskupského sídla. Právě proto zde najdeme nespočet uměleckých děl ze zlata a drahokamů, umístěných v převážně v muzeu církevního umění, nazývaném "Zlato a stříbro Zadaru".
Na nedalekém malebném ostrůvku se rozkládá městečko Nin, v minulosti nejdůležitější církevní středisko chorvatského království. Velmi oblíbený je taktéž ostrov Pašman se dvěma hodnotnými kláštery ? františkánským ze 14.-18. století a benediktinským ze století 15. Pro milovníky kostelů se zde nabízí opravdu velký výběr. Na shlédnutí všech sakrálních staveb by bylo potřeba několik dní. Hlavní městské veřejné budovy byly postaveny na Národním náměstí, které přímo vybízí k procházce či posezení v útulné kavárně.

Turistická zařízení jsou soustředěna především v letovisku na severním předměstí zvaném Borik s proslulou lázeňskou tradicí i známými diskokluby, tanečními terasami i bary. Zadar je také bohatý na festivaly a další kulturní akce. Určitě na vás silně zapůsobí koncert klasické hudby v tajuplném prostředí kostela sv. Donáta, divadelní přehlídka Zadarské divadelní léto nebo Festival nového divadla. Zadar je opravdu město, ve kterém se vyžijete nejen při slunění na pláži či sportu. Místní historické pamětihodnosti, malebná zákoutí, živý program pro turisty a další kulturní akce vás přesvědčí o tom, že právě zde je nejvhodnější prostředí pro strávení té pravé pohádkové dovolené.




Aktuální počasí

  • Teplota vody 24 °C

Měsíce vhodné na dovolenou v této destinaci

  • Nejlepší
  • Dobrý
  • Mimosezóna
  1. Leden
  2. Únor
  3. Březen
  4. Duben
  5. Květen
  6. Červen
  7. Červenec
  8. Srpen
  9. Září
  10. Říjen
  11. Listopad
  12. Prosinec

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