Aktuální vstupní podmínky a podmínky pro návrat najdete na webu Ministerstva zahraničních věcí: https://www.mzv.cz/jnp/cz/encyklopedie_statu/evropa/slovinsko/cestovani/covid_19.html

Hotel Country House Viktor

Hodnocení: 3/5

Slovinsko, Kranjska Gora

Více o ubytování

od 2 151 za os.

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Jednotlivé sloupce zobrazují minimální cenu za osobu v daném měsíci. Cena se může lišit v závislosti na délce zájezdu.

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Neoficiální popis ubytování

Číslo hotelu: 454 674

Popis objektu

The interior of the house will take you back in time. Exhibits reminiscent of the ancient rural environment have been preserved. The right choice of colors, materials and rough wood gives a feeling of warmth, creating a pleasant environment where time stands still. Old wooden rustic furniture is unique and gives the room completeness. Forgotten antique objects are used that enrich all corners of living spaces. Country house Viktor Kranjska Gora has two accommodation units, two apartments for 4-6 people. The apartments have two bedrooms and an extra bed in the living room for two additional people. Apartments are equipped with Wi-Fi network, gas stove, wood stove, refrigerator, bed linen and towels. Pets are not allowed in Country House Viktor.


  • obchod: 341m
  • Bar: 225m
  • restaurace: 190m


46.487152, 13.782562

Typy pokojů

3-pokojový byt 4 osoby
The interior of the house will take you back in time. Exhibits reminiscent of the ancient rural environment have been preserved. The right choice of colors, materials and rough wood gives a feeling of warmth, creating a pleasant environment where time stands still. Old wooden rustic furniture is unique and gives the room completeness. Forgotten antique objects are used that enrich all corners of living spaces. Country house Viktor Kranjska Gora has two accommodation units, two apartments for 4-6 people. The apartments have two bedrooms and an extra bed in the living room for two additional people. Apartments are equipped with Wi-Fi network, gas stove, wood stove, refrigerator, bed linen and towels. Pets are not allowed in Country House Viktor.

  • obývací prostor
  • WC
  • oddělená kuchyně
  • Wi-Fi
  • počet koupelen: 2
  • počet ložnic: 2
  • počet lůžek: 4

3-pokojový byt 4 osoby
The interior of the house will take you back in time. Exhibits reminiscent of the ancient rural environment have been preserved. The right choice of colors, materials and rough wood gives a feeling of warmth, creating a pleasant environment where time stands still. Old wooden rustic furniture is unique and gives the room completeness. Forgotten antique objects are used that enrich all corners of living spaces. Country house Viktor Kranjska Gora has two accommodation units, two apartments for 4-6 people. The apartments have two bedrooms and an extra bed in the living room for two additional people. Apartments are equipped with Wi-Fi network, gas stove, wood stove, refrigerator, bed linen and towels. Pets are not allowed in Country House Viktor.

  • obývací prostor
  • WC
  • oddělená kuchyně
  • Wi-Fi
  • počet koupelen: 2
  • počet ložnic: 2
  • počet lůžek: 4

Informace o hotelu

Nenašli jste zájezd, který odpovídá všem vašim očekáváním?

Zavolejte nám nebo spusťte live chat a zařídíme vám báječnou dovolenou, na kterou budete vzpomínat dlouhou dobu.

Jsme k zastižení Po-Pá 7:00-22:00; So-Ne 8:00-22:00.

226 000 250


Aktuální počasí

  • Teplota vody 25 °C

Měsíce vhodné na dovolenou v této destinaci

  • Nejlepší
  • Dobrý
  • Mimosezóna
  1. Leden
  2. Únor
  3. Březen
  4. Duben
  5. Květen
  6. Červen
  7. Červenec
  8. Srpen
  9. Září
  10. Říjen
  11. Listopad
  12. Prosinec

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